Welcome to Neo Web 1.0, motherfucker.

Welcome to Etheral Worlds!

I'm mostly using this site to Vibe right now, but it'll also be the best place to find my videos, get updates, and hear about all the random stuff I've been thinking about! Enjoy your stay, have a look around, and check out the links page when you're done :)


Launched the god damn site, is what I did! The first article is already up, too, but I'll probably edit it quite heavily in the nights to come; I wrote it in Neocities' code editor while I was formatting the site, lmao. The same subject will also be explored in more depth as a small part of a future video about Amiga aesthetics! Read the article here.

Also, the next video is coming along well but will probably take longer than the Sparkster one did. I'm aiming for mid-December right now and I am VERY excited for you all to see it!

90s Sonic fanfiction, baby, you can't beat it.